Produced in ye olde year of Nineteen Hundred and Ninety One, this Blacktron II kit was a favorite of mine. This kit originally belonged to my brother and I was always wanting to play with it, but he kept it locked up in his bedroom on his display shelf. The steering action of the back end was too cool and I am always a sucker for the connectable pods into different configurations.
Upon inheriting the collection, I was able to put it back together in all of it’s glory in 2021, 20 years later. As my tastes in LEGO Space have evolved, my new hobby is re-theming classic kits like the Explorien MOC I created previously which was a remix of the Deep Freeze Defender. I didn’t have enough blue glass plates to get the look I really wanted, but I took photos of this MOC at this stage because I’m going to further remix this model. I consider this model as Version 1 where it still closely resembles the Spectral Starguider.